1. I died: nevar!! ><
2. I kissed you: O.O
3. I lived next door to you: yay!! i would like that XD
4. You found out i was married: hahah wow, who would that be? hmm.. jeanne
5. I stole something: horr... got some for me? XD
6. I was hospitalized: i bring chocolate for u LOL
7. I refused to leave my home: LOL??
8. I got into a fight while you were there: watch the 'drama' going on hahha XD
9. Personality: fun!! =D
10. Eyes: haha bout that needa ask the guys de ma
11. Hair: dyed XD
12. Family: cute? happy!! =)
13. Help me hide a body? alright!! =D
14. Keep a secret if I told you one? of cuz ill =)
15. Hold my hand? err??!
16. Take a bullet for me? ahh.. take urself =o
18. Try to solve my problems? why not =)
19. Love me? as a fren of course =D
20. Date me? LOL??
21. Lied to make me feel better? hahah, no la XD
22. Wanted to kiss me? no thanks =O
23. Wanted to kill me? okay!! *evil smile* lol jk jk
24. Broken my heart? no la XD
25. Kept something important from me? i got cheese cake but i ate all up =O
26. Thought I was unbearably annoying? nopes nevar =)
27. Who are you?
im chloe!! who else ><
28. Are we friends? of course we are =))
29. When and how did we meet? 3 years ago XD i cant realy rmbr how we met XD
30. Describe me in three words? pweety, fun, happy XD
31. What was your first impression? i cant rmbr ><
32. Do you still think that way about me now? lol???
33. What reminds you of me? a pig =O haahh jk jk
34. If you could give me anything, what would it be? a new phone?? thanks jeanne =))
35. How well do you know me? quite well =p
36. When's the last time you saw me? quite long ago ><><
37. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? hhaha nopes =p
38. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you? y-e-s lol
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
tagged by jia hui =D
(1) 请老实的回答每一个问题。
(2) 不行擅自塗改題目。
(3) 写完请点10位小朋友,不可不点。
(4) 点完后请通知那10位小朋友他被点到了。
(5) 另加 --> 我想更了解你所以没有部落格的 如可以 请信息回复我被点到的::
1. junmey
2. jeanne
3. shanyu
4. kendrick
5. yee fern (if she ever sees =O)
6. brian
7. li shyen
8. alex
9. elmo
10. cookie monster =D
01-[ 4号认识6号吗? ]::
of course XD
02-[ 10号是男还是女? ]::
err.... im not sure bout that =O
03-[ 8号的兴趣是? ]::
tennis LOL
04-[ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ]::
Yups, sistar and bradar
05-[ 7号姓氏? ]::
06-[ 10号人缘好吗? ]::
likes cookies =o
07-[ 4号有人追吗? ]::
that im not sure XD
08-[ 承上2号呢? ]::
she's a girl o.o
09-[ 6号喜欢的颜色是? ]::
green i guess XD
10-[ 3号和10号是朋友吗? ]::
sure!! XD
11-[ 8号的生日是? ]::
august 16 xD
12-[ 5号读哪呢? ]::
smk bu
13-[ 你怎么认识10号的? ]::
by sharing cookies =))
14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ]::
3 months
15-[ 你和9号有出去玩过吗? ]::
got XD
16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ]::
of course =))
17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ]::
why not =D
18-[ 你觉得7号人怎么样? ]::
mmm ok XD
19-[ 你觉得9号人怎么样? ]::
errr i tak tau =o
20-[ 你爱5号吗? ]::
of course =))
1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的:: ah hui (jia hui) LOL
2. 你们认识多久呢:: we are cousin!! =DD
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗:: of course she does =))
4. 你与他(她)的关系是:: close cousins =))
5.你覺得他(她)的個性如何:: she's a nice girl =)
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是:: sing while she skips around her house =o
問 : 當你在更衣室沖水 门忽然被打开了你会。。答 :
WAH!!! and kick whoever opens it =o
問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后 你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了 你会。。答 :
ehh.... what can i do ><
問 : 去海边玩会使用咩交通工具?答 :
beca =o
問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝 泳衣你会買吗?答:
must la, or ill miss the fun ><
問 : 回去时 发现有其他遊客手机沒拿 你会觉得是哪牌子的?答 :
sony c902!!
問 : 海边对你來说是。。答 :
a place to relax and have fun =D
問 : 看到镜子 会不由自主的向前吗?答 :
ok la XD
.問 : 经常用洗面乳吗?答 :
errr ><
問 : 说到自恋会想到谁?答 :
i deno ><
問 : 有人说该減肥了 你会。。答 :
good luck!! XD
問 : 自恋 適合你吗?答 :
hahhhha, i guess so XD
(1) 请老实的回答每一个问题。
(2) 不行擅自塗改題目。
(3) 写完请点10位小朋友,不可不点。
(4) 点完后请通知那10位小朋友他被点到了。
(5) 另加 --> 我想更了解你所以没有部落格的 如可以 请信息回复我被点到的::
1. junmey
2. jeanne
3. shanyu
4. kendrick
5. yee fern (if she ever sees =O)
6. brian
7. li shyen
8. alex
9. elmo
10. cookie monster =D
01-[ 4号认识6号吗? ]::
of course XD
02-[ 10号是男还是女? ]::
err.... im not sure bout that =O
03-[ 8号的兴趣是? ]::
tennis LOL
04-[ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ]::
Yups, sistar and bradar
05-[ 7号姓氏? ]::
06-[ 10号人缘好吗? ]::
likes cookies =o
07-[ 4号有人追吗? ]::
that im not sure XD
08-[ 承上2号呢? ]::
she's a girl o.o
09-[ 6号喜欢的颜色是? ]::
green i guess XD
10-[ 3号和10号是朋友吗? ]::
sure!! XD
11-[ 8号的生日是? ]::
august 16 xD
12-[ 5号读哪呢? ]::
smk bu
13-[ 你怎么认识10号的? ]::
by sharing cookies =))
14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ]::
3 months
15-[ 你和9号有出去玩过吗? ]::
got XD
16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ]::
of course =))
17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ]::
why not =D
18-[ 你觉得7号人怎么样? ]::
mmm ok XD
19-[ 你觉得9号人怎么样? ]::
errr i tak tau =o
20-[ 你爱5号吗? ]::
of course =))
1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的:: ah hui (jia hui) LOL
2. 你们认识多久呢:: we are cousin!! =DD
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗:: of course she does =))
4. 你与他(她)的关系是:: close cousins =))
5.你覺得他(她)的個性如何:: she's a nice girl =)
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是:: sing while she skips around her house =o
問 : 當你在更衣室沖水 门忽然被打开了你会。。答 :
WAH!!! and kick whoever opens it =o
問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后 你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了 你会。。答 :
ehh.... what can i do ><
問 : 去海边玩会使用咩交通工具?答 :
beca =o
問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝 泳衣你会買吗?答:
must la, or ill miss the fun ><
問 : 回去时 发现有其他遊客手机沒拿 你会觉得是哪牌子的?答 :
sony c902!!
問 : 海边对你來说是。。答 :
a place to relax and have fun =D
問 : 看到镜子 会不由自主的向前吗?答 :
ok la XD
.問 : 经常用洗面乳吗?答 :
errr ><
問 : 说到自恋会想到谁?答 :
i deno ><
問 : 有人说该減肥了 你会。。答 :
good luck!! XD
問 : 自恋 適合你吗?答 :
hahhhha, i guess so XD
Saturday, November 21, 2009
was bored... DX
Name 5 Guys
a) how old are they?
b) where are they currently?
c) how long have you known them?
1. alex, 15, sms-ing(heh heh), 3 years
2. chia hau, 15, at home sleeping i guess (too tired from work), 3 years =)
3. shanyu, 15, ahh.... on the com playing poker DX, 3 years too =p
4. kendrick, 15, at home, 3 years also DX
5. brian, 15, at home, 3 years ALSO DX (lazy to think of others XD)
Would You Rather...Party With 1(alex) or 5(brian)?
hmm... both also taken DX
Marry 2(chia hau) or 4(kendrick)?
hahhha XD chia hau?? LOL
Kill 3(shanyu) or 5(brian)?
me dun kill frens =))
Date 1(alex) or 2(chia hau)?
haaha, chia hau so much better than alex LOL XD
Make Out with 1(alex) or 3(shanyu)?
heh.... no thanks XD
Cuddle With 2(chia hau) or 5(brian)?
both thin XD hmm... chia hau XD
Have Kids With 3(shanyu) or 4(kendrick)?
errr.... DX
Live With 1(alex) or 3(shanyu)?
shanyu i guess lol XD
Be Stuck on an Island with 2(chia hau) or 5(brian)?
lol!! chia hau XD
Trade Lives with 3(shanyu) or 4(kendrick)?
neither, i love my life XD
Wake Up Next To 1(alex) or 5(brian)?
err..... alex i guess DX
Completely Disown 2(chia hau) or 4(kendrick)?
NEVER!! lol
Has 3(shanyu) ever hurt you?
nopes XD he'll nvr dare to muahhahahah XD
Have you ever hurt 4(kendrick)?
nopes XD
Who's the funniest?
hmm.... shanyu i guess, with his lame jokes LOL
Can you beat up 5(brian)?
i can try XD ahhah
When is the last time you saw 2(chia hau)?
yesterday XD
Who's the smartest?
chia hau i guess XD
How long have you known 5(brian)?
i tot i just answered DX 3 years
What would you do if 1(alex) and 2(chia hau) started...
a fight?? DX i would stop them of course =p
Who is 3(shanyu) dating/crushing on?
heh heh, *whispers* czientze hahhaahah joking joking XD
Does 2(chia hau) smell good?
haahha, i dun know, i dun go up to him and smelll him LOL
Who will you still be talking to in 15 years?
all of them =DD
Which in your top 5 is the nicest?
hmm... they're all nice =))
who has the better...[smile]
-hmm... chia hau =)
-i think its brian =o
-heh....... chia hau XD
-they all got good personalies =))
-hmm... no idea DX
-i dun know lol
I tag:
(if they ever sees this LOL) ><
end .:chloe:.
a) how old are they?
b) where are they currently?
c) how long have you known them?
1. alex, 15, sms-ing(heh heh), 3 years
2. chia hau, 15, at home sleeping i guess (too tired from work), 3 years =)
3. shanyu, 15, ahh.... on the com playing poker DX, 3 years too =p
4. kendrick, 15, at home, 3 years also DX
5. brian, 15, at home, 3 years ALSO DX (lazy to think of others XD)
Would You Rather...Party With 1(alex) or 5(brian)?
hmm... both also taken DX
Marry 2(chia hau) or 4(kendrick)?
hahhha XD chia hau?? LOL
Kill 3(shanyu) or 5(brian)?
me dun kill frens =))
Date 1(alex) or 2(chia hau)?
haaha, chia hau so much better than alex LOL XD
Make Out with 1(alex) or 3(shanyu)?
heh.... no thanks XD
Cuddle With 2(chia hau) or 5(brian)?
both thin XD hmm... chia hau XD
Have Kids With 3(shanyu) or 4(kendrick)?
errr.... DX
Live With 1(alex) or 3(shanyu)?
shanyu i guess lol XD
Be Stuck on an Island with 2(chia hau) or 5(brian)?
lol!! chia hau XD
Trade Lives with 3(shanyu) or 4(kendrick)?
neither, i love my life XD
Wake Up Next To 1(alex) or 5(brian)?
err..... alex i guess DX
Completely Disown 2(chia hau) or 4(kendrick)?
NEVER!! lol
Has 3(shanyu) ever hurt you?
nopes XD he'll nvr dare to muahhahahah XD
Have you ever hurt 4(kendrick)?
nopes XD
Who's the funniest?
hmm.... shanyu i guess, with his lame jokes LOL
Can you beat up 5(brian)?
i can try XD ahhah
When is the last time you saw 2(chia hau)?
yesterday XD
Who's the smartest?
chia hau i guess XD
How long have you known 5(brian)?
i tot i just answered DX 3 years
What would you do if 1(alex) and 2(chia hau) started...
a fight?? DX i would stop them of course =p
Who is 3(shanyu) dating/crushing on?
heh heh, *whispers* czientze hahhaahah joking joking XD
Does 2(chia hau) smell good?
haahha, i dun know, i dun go up to him and smelll him LOL
Who will you still be talking to in 15 years?
all of them =DD
Which in your top 5 is the nicest?
hmm... they're all nice =))
who has the better...[smile]
-hmm... chia hau =)
-i think its brian =o
-heh....... chia hau XD
-they all got good personalies =))
-hmm... no idea DX
-i dun know lol
I tag:
(if they ever sees this LOL) ><
end .:chloe:.
dead blog DX
Ahh.. its been a long time since i have update XD so yeah, cin cai blog la xD
theres a few movie that i have been waiting, but this, was this the one that i must watch.. new moon!! taylor lautner~~ ahh~ =D
i love his smiles~~ XD his cute XD
so.. i have been working since last wed, i love my job XD but when it comes to stock checking.. xiao liao LOL =o
theres a few movie that i have been waiting, but this, was this the one that i must watch.. new moon!! taylor lautner~~ ahh~ =D

random pics~~
thats it i guess, later!! .:chloe:. miss ya shiny eyes LOL =)))
Saturday, October 17, 2009
pmr is GONE!!! XD
pmr is gooonnnneee, finally XD it's been a while since i last updated XD so...
it was candid lol... so nerd XDXD joking =p
was bored XD

went for some dinner with my family for mooncake festival lol toke some random pics..
so....after the dinner, went back to my grandpa's house to chill =)
mooncake festival really sucks when there's no lantern or candles to play with DX so me and my cousins decided to kill our boredom by stacking up chinese checkers XD
was too bored there XDD
alrights... think that's all lol... next time ppl!! =D
p/s: jiro wang hot =DD
Thursday, September 24, 2009
love is under the sky- daniel lee
* Love Is Under The Sky花已盛开
为谁存在 慢慢倒带Oh Please Tell Me Why已不再
等你回来Love Is Under The Sky穿越云彩
为你而存在My Love 可以重来
Repeat All
Repeat *
* Love Is Under The Sky花已盛开
为谁存在 慢慢倒带Oh Please Tell Me Why已不再
等你回来Love Is Under The Sky穿越云彩
为你而存在My Love 可以重来
Repeat All
Repeat *
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
whoever knows how to do kaedah kajian for stadium merdeka pls tell me T-T i'm stuck ><
tagged by dillon again XD
1. What have you been doing recently?err... nothing much DX
2. Do you ever turn off your handphone?sometimes XD
3. what happened at 10am today?meet dillon at his neighbourhood park =)
4. When did you last cry?err.... few months ago XP
5. Believe in Fate/Destiny?quite XD
6. What do you want in life now?hugs =D
7. Umbrella or Hood when it rains?hood lol xd
8. what's your favourite thing to do on bed?hug lol
9. What bottoms are you wearing now?short pants lol
10. What are the nicest things in your inbox?which?? phone or com DX
11. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?don't think so Xp
12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?not really
13. What was the last movie you caught?terminator D:
14. what are you proud of?i have someone that i love =D
15. what does the oldest txt msg in your inbox says and who is it from?err... can't really rmr DX
16. what was the last song u sang out loud?don't really sing XD
17. Do you have any nicknames?err... nope XD
18. what does the newest txt msg say and who is it from? dillon
19. What time did you go to sleep last night?2.30am XD
20. are you currently happy?yup XD
21. who gives you the best advice?me-self O.o
22. do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?eww.... no DX
23. who do you talked to on the phone last night?dillon =)
24. is something bugging you right now?err.... nope
25. Who is the last person to make you laugh?dillon X]
26. Do you like yourself?of course i do XD
27. you want 5 or 10 dollar?50 can? XD
28. do you think you are stupid sometimes?yeah T-T
29. who is your best best best friend?czientze XD
30. what will you do if you like that boy?har?? who??
31. who are your favourite stars?adam lambert haha XD
32. you hate your mother sometimes in some ways?never =)
33. do you had even stead before?whassat?? O.O
34. what type of boy do you like?tall dark and handsome XD
35. are you single?nope x]
tag ten ppl :
1) junmey
2) jeanne
3) alex
4) jiahui
5) kendrick
6) yee fern
7) daff
8) aun hua
9) rhonwyn
10) Adelynn
1. would you date number 5?I'm not single XD
2. number 2 just got in a car crash, how would you react?OMG!!
3. you see number 9 with your bf/gf, what would you do?give her a great big slap DX
4. you come home and your room has been ransacked by number 4...err.....???
5. number 1 is acting weird.. ask her why??
6. number 3 and 8 decides to give 10 a haircut... okay?? XD
7. number 7 just got you and him/her tixs to a concert..okay lol, i have nvr been to one b4 lol
8. number 10 takes you to a barshe? nope XP
9. number 4 has moved to the other side of the world NVR!!! DX
10. you and number 8 is being chased by the cops for unknown reason... run for my life?? DX
11. number 7 and you are watching a movie on the touch when suddenly he/she wraps his/her arm around you.. no way DX
12. number 5 asks you out to dinner.. err.. okay lol
13. number 9 and you are sitting on a bus..what's with it lol XP
14. number 6 calls u in the middle of the night to chat cuz he/she can't sleep... err... chat with her?
15. you're walking with someone and number 6 suddenly tackles u from behind into the ground... ah.... halp DX
16. number 1 is crying and you ask why and it seems that his/her gf/bf has dumped him/her comfort her, there's lots of choice out there xP
17. number 2 offers to bake u a meal. as you sit in the other room, the kitchen is suddenly aflame.... ><
18. number 4 comes to your door 1 day holding a thanks!! *slams the door DX*
19. number 4 just got you an X-yay, thanks XD
20. number 9 challenges you to a children's card game.... okay XD
21. number 1 thinks he/she's overweightkam fei XD
22. number 7 looks lonelyjoin us XD
13. number 2 asks you rudely to leave him/her alone.. dun fren her liao DX
24. number 5 and 3 decides to throw a surprise party for you... that'll be great =DD
25. number 6 decides to dye his/her hair black, what do you think?not black di meh DX dye what DX
26. number 2 tells you he/she's going out for awhile, suddenly u hear a shooting where number 2 is... NOOOOOO DX
27. you catch number 9 alone, crying... it's okay... dun be sad ><
28. number 1,3,5 and 6 all tackle you at once, is it possible?dillon!! help!!! DX
.:chloe:. *end*
2. Do you ever turn off your handphone?sometimes XD
3. what happened at 10am today?meet dillon at his neighbourhood park =)
4. When did you last cry?err.... few months ago XP
5. Believe in Fate/Destiny?quite XD
6. What do you want in life now?hugs =D
7. Umbrella or Hood when it rains?hood lol xd
8. what's your favourite thing to do on bed?hug lol
9. What bottoms are you wearing now?short pants lol
10. What are the nicest things in your inbox?which?? phone or com DX
11. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?don't think so Xp
12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?not really
13. What was the last movie you caught?terminator D:
14. what are you proud of?i have someone that i love =D
15. what does the oldest txt msg in your inbox says and who is it from?err... can't really rmr DX
16. what was the last song u sang out loud?don't really sing XD
17. Do you have any nicknames?err... nope XD
18. what does the newest txt msg say and who is it from? dillon
19. What time did you go to sleep last night?2.30am XD
20. are you currently happy?yup XD
21. who gives you the best advice?me-self O.o
22. do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?eww.... no DX
23. who do you talked to on the phone last night?dillon =)
24. is something bugging you right now?err.... nope
25. Who is the last person to make you laugh?dillon X]
26. Do you like yourself?of course i do XD
27. you want 5 or 10 dollar?50 can? XD
28. do you think you are stupid sometimes?yeah T-T
29. who is your best best best friend?czientze XD
30. what will you do if you like that boy?har?? who??
31. who are your favourite stars?adam lambert haha XD
32. you hate your mother sometimes in some ways?never =)
33. do you had even stead before?whassat?? O.O
34. what type of boy do you like?tall dark and handsome XD
35. are you single?nope x]
tag ten ppl :
1) junmey
2) jeanne
3) alex
4) jiahui
5) kendrick
6) yee fern
7) daff
8) aun hua
9) rhonwyn
10) Adelynn
1. would you date number 5?I'm not single XD
2. number 2 just got in a car crash, how would you react?OMG!!
3. you see number 9 with your bf/gf, what would you do?give her a great big slap DX
4. you come home and your room has been ransacked by number 4...err.....???
5. number 1 is acting weird.. ask her why??
6. number 3 and 8 decides to give 10 a haircut... okay?? XD
7. number 7 just got you and him/her tixs to a concert..okay lol, i have nvr been to one b4 lol
8. number 10 takes you to a barshe? nope XP
9. number 4 has moved to the other side of the world NVR!!! DX
10. you and number 8 is being chased by the cops for unknown reason... run for my life?? DX
11. number 7 and you are watching a movie on the touch when suddenly he/she wraps his/her arm around you.. no way DX
12. number 5 asks you out to dinner.. err.. okay lol
13. number 9 and you are sitting on a bus..what's with it lol XP
14. number 6 calls u in the middle of the night to chat cuz he/she can't sleep... err... chat with her?
15. you're walking with someone and number 6 suddenly tackles u from behind into the ground... ah.... halp DX
16. number 1 is crying and you ask why and it seems that his/her gf/bf has dumped him/her comfort her, there's lots of choice out there xP
17. number 2 offers to bake u a meal. as you sit in the other room, the kitchen is suddenly aflame.... ><
18. number 4 comes to your door 1 day holding a thanks!! *slams the door DX*
19. number 4 just got you an X-yay, thanks XD
20. number 9 challenges you to a children's card game.... okay XD
21. number 1 thinks he/she's overweightkam fei XD
22. number 7 looks lonelyjoin us XD
13. number 2 asks you rudely to leave him/her alone.. dun fren her liao DX
24. number 5 and 3 decides to throw a surprise party for you... that'll be great =DD
25. number 6 decides to dye his/her hair black, what do you think?not black di meh DX dye what DX
26. number 2 tells you he/she's going out for awhile, suddenly u hear a shooting where number 2 is... NOOOOOO DX
27. you catch number 9 alone, crying... it's okay... dun be sad ><
28. number 1,3,5 and 6 all tackle you at once, is it possible?dillon!! help!!! DX
.:chloe:. *end*
tagged by dillon XD
1. what do you like?errr.... i deno?? food ? DX
2.How did you feel when you wake up this morning?tired still DX
3.Who was the last person/people you took with?dillon XD
4.Would you consider yourself spoiled?I don't think so
5.Will you ever donate blood?of course, saving ppl's life is great XD
6.Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?guess so XD
7.Do you want someone to be dead?don't think so >< but sometimes maybe XD
8.What does your last message say?which you're talking bout DX
9.What are you thinking right now?thinking what to do 2mrw XD
10.Do you want someone to be with you right now?yeah, badly ><
11.What was the time you went to bed last night?2.30am XD
12.Where did you buy the tee you wearing right now?err... can't rmr DX
13.Is someone on your mind right now?yup, and always will =)
14.Who was the last person who text you?dillon =)
1. jeanne (it's been a long time since u update, so here's ur chance XD lol)
2. junmey XD
3. alex
4. jia hui
5. yee fren
6. kendrick
7. aun hua
8. rhonwyn
15.Who is no.2 having relationship with?err.. adam lambert XD
16.Is no.3 a male or a female?male la DX
17.If no.7 and no.1 get together,would it be good?obviously NO DX
18.What is no.1 studying about?form 3
19.When was the last time you chatted with them?not long ago
20.Is no.4 single?yup, wanna meet her? XD
21.Say something about no.2..hyper XD
22.What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together?gay XD
23.Describe no.5.... err... she's tall
24.What will you do if no.6 & no.7 fight?way to go XD
2.How did you feel when you wake up this morning?tired still DX
3.Who was the last person/people you took with?dillon XD
4.Would you consider yourself spoiled?I don't think so
5.Will you ever donate blood?of course, saving ppl's life is great XD
6.Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?guess so XD
7.Do you want someone to be dead?don't think so >< but sometimes maybe XD
8.What does your last message say?which you're talking bout DX
9.What are you thinking right now?thinking what to do 2mrw XD
10.Do you want someone to be with you right now?yeah, badly ><
11.What was the time you went to bed last night?2.30am XD
12.Where did you buy the tee you wearing right now?err... can't rmr DX
13.Is someone on your mind right now?yup, and always will =)
14.Who was the last person who text you?dillon =)
1. jeanne (it's been a long time since u update, so here's ur chance XD lol)
2. junmey XD
3. alex
4. jia hui
5. yee fren
6. kendrick
7. aun hua
8. rhonwyn
15.Who is no.2 having relationship with?err.. adam lambert XD
16.Is no.3 a male or a female?male la DX
17.If no.7 and no.1 get together,would it be good?obviously NO DX
18.What is no.1 studying about?form 3
19.When was the last time you chatted with them?not long ago
20.Is no.4 single?yup, wanna meet her? XD
21.Say something about no.2..hyper XD
22.What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together?gay XD
23.Describe no.5.... err... she's tall
24.What will you do if no.6 & no.7 fight?way to go XD
.:chloe:. !end!
Monday, June 8, 2009
new com xD
yay!! finally get my new com liao!! can blog when i'm bored di haha XD lolz i didn't actually did much this holiday XP my dad doesn't let me out much T-T it's the worst thing when it comes to the holidays. he say must study for PMR di wo, and it's lyke 4 more months XP not lyke i'm gonna study if i stay at home DX so yeah, stayed at home and watch tv most of the time. and, i'm still having tuition though it's the holidays di, chinese, maths and science DX
last week went to czientze's house to do some decos, i drew and coloured a lolipop XD hope they'll use it on leo day lol =P
i think that's it, kinda late di, gotta sleep lol~
.:chloe:. \^.^/
last week went to czientze's house to do some decos, i drew and coloured a lolipop XD hope they'll use it on leo day lol =P
i think that's it, kinda late di, gotta sleep lol~
.:chloe:. \^.^/
Thursday, March 19, 2009
1) The person who tagged you is:
junmey, my happy fren XD
2) Your relationship with him/her is:
fwens =)
3) Your first impression of him/her is
mmm...... hyper??
4) The most memorable moments with them:
always there wen i need her =)
5) The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is:
u're not very fat larh XD
6) If he/she becomes yr lover, you will...
err... i dun think anyone would like that xP
7) If he/she became yr lover, what should he/she improve at:
dun be so forgetful
8) If he/she becomes yr enemy, what would you do:
err.... poke her lol
9) If he/she becomes yr enemy, the reason will be:
she has no reason to be my enemy =P
10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
buy her chocolates lol
11) Your overall impression on him/her:
hyper, fun, cute, and likes hairy guyz?? Xp
12) The characteristic you love most about yourself:
i'm a responsible person
13) The characteristic you hate most about yourself:
too blur lol
14) The most ideal person you want too be is:
15) For people that care and like you, say something to them:
i love u guyz XD
16) Pass this quiz to 10 ppl who you want to know how they feel about you.
7-ting hong
8-shan yu
17) Who is 6 having a relationship with:
he's single, and available lol xD
18) Is 9 a male or female:
19) If 7 and 10 were together, would it be a good thing:
i won't want that ><
20) What is 2 studying at the moment:
pmr too i guess xP
21) When was the last time you had a chat with 3:
yesterday lol =p
22) What kind of music does 8 like:
err... chinese songs??
23) Does 1 have any siblings:
yeah, CUTE XD
24) Will you woo 3:
25) How about 7:
26) Is 4 single:
nope she's not lol
27) What's the surname of 5:
28) What's the hobby of 5:
shopping i guess??
29) Do 5 and 9 get along well:
i don't even noe each other lol
30) Where is 2 studying at:
me school =p
31) Say something casual about your eyes:
big?? =p
32) Have you tried developing feelings for 5:
never think of that yet so far XD
33) Where does 9 live?:
pee jay
34) What colours does 4 like:
black =p
35) Are 5 and 1 good friends:
nope, classmates yeah
36) Does 7 like 2?
they don't even know each other
37) How did u get to know 2:
through frens =p
38) Does 1 have any pets:
yeah, bobby and some fishes lol XD
39) Is 7 the sexiest person in the world:
err.... i deno =p
40) are you sexy?
wish i am =p
junmey, my happy fren XD
2) Your relationship with him/her is:
fwens =)
3) Your first impression of him/her is
mmm...... hyper??
4) The most memorable moments with them:
always there wen i need her =)
5) The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is:
u're not very fat larh XD
6) If he/she becomes yr lover, you will...
err... i dun think anyone would like that xP
7) If he/she became yr lover, what should he/she improve at:
dun be so forgetful
8) If he/she becomes yr enemy, what would you do:
err.... poke her lol
9) If he/she becomes yr enemy, the reason will be:
she has no reason to be my enemy =P
10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
buy her chocolates lol
11) Your overall impression on him/her:
hyper, fun, cute, and likes hairy guyz?? Xp
12) The characteristic you love most about yourself:
i'm a responsible person
13) The characteristic you hate most about yourself:
too blur lol
14) The most ideal person you want too be is:
15) For people that care and like you, say something to them:
i love u guyz XD
16) Pass this quiz to 10 ppl who you want to know how they feel about you.
7-ting hong
8-shan yu
17) Who is 6 having a relationship with:
he's single, and available lol xD
18) Is 9 a male or female:
19) If 7 and 10 were together, would it be a good thing:
i won't want that ><
20) What is 2 studying at the moment:
pmr too i guess xP
21) When was the last time you had a chat with 3:
yesterday lol =p
22) What kind of music does 8 like:
err... chinese songs??
23) Does 1 have any siblings:
yeah, CUTE XD
24) Will you woo 3:
25) How about 7:
26) Is 4 single:
nope she's not lol
27) What's the surname of 5:
28) What's the hobby of 5:
shopping i guess??
29) Do 5 and 9 get along well:
i don't even noe each other lol
30) Where is 2 studying at:
me school =p
31) Say something casual about your eyes:
big?? =p
32) Have you tried developing feelings for 5:
never think of that yet so far XD
33) Where does 9 live?:
pee jay
34) What colours does 4 like:
black =p
35) Are 5 and 1 good friends:
nope, classmates yeah
36) Does 7 like 2?
they don't even know each other
37) How did u get to know 2:
through frens =p
38) Does 1 have any pets:
yeah, bobby and some fishes lol XD
39) Is 7 the sexiest person in the world:
err.... i deno =p
40) are you sexy?
wish i am =p
Thursday, January 29, 2009
cInA m0o~ yeER........
hmm.... this chinese new year was not bad.... the weather was not as hot as last past years... =) was kinda shock when i saw rain during chinese new year xD anyways, i stayed at my grandpa's for the whole week, kinda boring there, but luckily the tv there saved me DX on the 1st day of cina moo year, visited my mum's mum a.k.a. my granny which located 40km away frm my grandpa's, so gotta travel all the way back DX after that, went shopping with my mum awhile while my dad wants to have his aftrn nap XD 2nd day of cina moo year, my aunts came to my grandpa's to have so called reunion dinner =p i had fun that day, wasn't bored at all =DD and we did a lil lil gamble thingy *shh.....* once a year tho XD kinda miss my scwell frens tho T-T and now worse.. my whole leg and hands full with red dots cause i'm allergic to prawn DX i didn't know that the dish i ate contains prawn nia.... all their fault... cut the prawns till so smalll pieces .. curse them arh...... D: think that's all..... till the next post (which gonna be very long XD)
.:chloe:. <3
.:chloe:. <3
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